Section 1 : About this Document and the associated Git Repository

This is a draft / work document I am using, while I am trying to get my head around HPX and build an HPX based distributed application.

The purpose of this document is twofold: It helps me learning and it is a collection of acquired knowledge and recipes which might find their way back into the HPX documentation if people find them useful.

So ???

Consider everything here unfinished, full of bugs and work in progress!

Repository for this Documentation

HPX Snippets

HPX by Ste||ar Group

Ste||ar Group HPX Homepage

HPX Master Documentation

HPX Git Repository


The views and thoughts I am posting here are not academic views, but my thoughts as I am developing an application based on HPX. I’m not a computer scientist, but a self taught hobbyist. So - even if you might find something useful here - read it with a grain of salt. I am always happy for constructive input. Use the issue tracker of the GitHub repository to post your comments and suggestions.

Special thanks

to Hartmut Kaiser, Thomas Heller and the Ste||ar group IRC channel for enduring me pestering people with unrelated C++ newbie questions, bloopers, false bug reports and other nonsense while I’m working on my project. Most of the writeups here is directly extracted from what I learned there and in private chats. Errors are solely my responsibility.

Copyright and License

I am using the Boost License for this repository, the same license being used by the Ste||ar group for HPX. Please keep in mind that the text contains quotations from the HPX documentation and code snippets from the HPX source tree. I am trying as good as possible to make it clear when doing so, but it might happen I missed proper referencing on occasion. This is considered a bug and please tell me when you see it.

Bug Reports

Please leave your issues at the Issue Tracker.